
Lesbo orgy – Starring as – Zoe Kravitz, Jessica Alba, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and Katy Perry

The crowd roared with excitement, as I looked out into the mass sea of cheering people I heard them all chanting my name, they were actually here to see me. This was the first time I had ever performed in front of more than a hundred people before, and to think I still technically had not released an official album yet. All of this excitement and energy for a headlining act that had only released a few mixtapes and some videos, I was truly humbled by the experience.

‘Thank you so much Los Angeles!’ I shouted out to the amphitheatre, I cold hear my voice echo as it the words made its way to each an every person inside.

‘Thank you very much, and I’m out!’ I quickly left the stage not wanting to prolong my stay, after all I actually had somewhere to be.

I was lead by what I thought was an unnecessary amount of security guards through the labyrinth that was backstage. They four men accompanied me until we reached the back exit of the building where a limousine was waiting for me. I quickly stepped inside as the limo driver opened the door for me and took my place next to my good friend Zoe Kravitz.

‘How did it go?’ She asked before kissing me on the cheek.

‘It was the best show yet,’ I said while admiring her outfit, comprised of a tight black blouse and a short black skirt to match.

‘I told you it was only a matter of time,’ Zoe said as she smiled.

‘Speaking of time,’ I segued. ‘When will this thing wrap up do you think? I have label meetings and a show tomorrow.’

‘It’s nine o’clock now… I dunno a few hours, what time is your meeting?’ Zoe responded.

‘Early,’ I said. ‘Which is annoying because I can never get up when I’ve stayed awake too long.’

‘Don’t worry,’ Zoe started. ‘I’ll make sure you get up,’ she finished as she placed her hand on my thigh, something was telling me she didn’t mean she would wake me up in the morning.

Zoe had been a friend of mine for nearly a year, we had gotten to know each other after we met at a club when I was first starting to breakout on the underground scene. If she hadn’t seen me play that night there was no way I would be this close to a record deal this quickly, especially with the kind of things I talk about in my music.

‘I brought you a change of clothes like you asked,’ Zoe said gesturing towards a brown paper bag on the floor of the limo.

‘Oh shit, where should I get changed?’ I just realised we weren’t stopping until we got to the Milton.

‘You can do it in here, don’t worry I won’t peak,’ Zoe joked as she put her hands over her eyes.

‘I’ll understand if you can’t control yourself,’ I said as I unbuckled my belt.

‘You’re so full of yourself,’ Zoe said. ‘I guess that’s why you’re a rapper.’

I gently placed my belt down next to me and began to take off the rest of my clothes. Once I was completely naked (except for my boxers of course), I checked inside the brown paper bag for what I assumed was my normal casual outfit, instead I found a pale blue suit that Zoe had clearly just bought for me. It was certainly a nice gesture, but god damn it I hated wearing blue anything, I had no choice so I begrudgingly put the blue mess on while Zoe peaked through her hands at me.

‘This is a great suit,’ I finally lied after putting it on. ‘How does it look?’

Zoe removed her hands. ‘It looks great! Pastels work very well on you.’

‘Thank you,’ I said politely. ‘Is this it?’

We had pulled up to a gloriously huge hotel valet service, it seemed that every single celebrity ever was invite to this event, in front of us I could see people like Amy Adams and Selena Gomez stepping out of their respective limousines. I wondered briefly how the limo business was doing that night, surely there weren’t enough limousines in the entire state to fill up this event.

‘What are you waiting for?’ Zoe asked making me realise the limo door had been open for far too long without me getting out of it.

‘Sorry about that,’ I said climbing out to the blinding vision of scores of bright flashes. ‘Whoa, what the fuck!’

‘Ha!’ Zoe teased as she climbed out resting her arm in mine. ‘Don’t worry you get used to it, you’re famous now.’

‘Whoa…’ I started quietly to myself as we walked towards the entrance. ‘What the fuck?’

Inside the palace walls were an even larger assortment of celebrities piling into the entertainment hall through the lobby, my eye caught the likes of Jennifer Lawrence and Jessica Alba amongst the true legion of actors, musicians and socialites. Zoe kept a close hold on my arm as we marched through the mass of people funnelling into an even larger hall.

‘Where is Penn anyway?’ Zoe’s boyfriend from the Gossip Girl show was usually the person she took to these types of events.

‘He’ll be here later,’ Zoe said, somewhat dampening the possibility in my mind of the two of us fucking that night. ‘But for now, let’s get plenty drunk in the V.I.P. Room.’

‘Whoa, you scored V.I.P. Passes?’ I questioned in amazement.

‘It wasn’t hard, Dad has a lot of pull with these hotel types,’ Zoe said as we finally made it into the entertainment hall.

The music was excruciatingly loud, even more my well experienced ears it was a bit much, luckily though we were heading towards the V.I.P. Room which I assumed would be a little bit quieter. We walked passed the long bar on the way there, making sure to grab a few shots off of the counter was we did so, downing them as we looked out at the dance floor filled with eager celebrities.

‘Come on in, Ms Kravitz,’ the tall, bulky security guard said politely as we approached.

‘Your Dad really does have a lot of pull around here, that guy didn’t even ask to see your pass!’ I exclaimed in disbelief as we entered the curtained off V.I.P. Room.

‘My Dad was an early investor in the hotel franchise, so he gets a lot of free rooms if you know what I mean.’

The V.I.P. Room was already full of people, as loud as it was outside with music, was as loud as it was in here with conversation. It was merely a dull roar though, something that after a few minutes of searching for a free booth was completely blocked out. It was seconds was the two of finally sat down when Zoe implored me to stand back up again, so I could get us a couple of drinks. I did so and walked up to the V.I.P. Bar starting to feel like I was being friend-zoned by Zoe.

‘Two double shots of Jameson, neat,’ I said to the bartender.

‘Nice order,’ a voice next to me said.

‘Thanks I don’t like all that-‘ I turned to find it was the voice of Jessica Alba. ‘Wow, you’re-‘

‘Oh my god!’ Jessica exclaimed. ‘You’re Cult!’

‘I’m Cult?’ I was shocked she recognised me. ‘Who cares! You’re Jessica Alba!’

The two of us were clearly big fans of the each other, which was strange to me, I didn’t think I was really all that famous or that Jessica was remotely into the kind of rap music I made.

‘I really love your work, I can’t wait for your album!’ Jessica said as my two drinks landed in front of me.

‘You are… I can not wait for Sin City 2,’ I was acting like a fan boy, but what could I do, Jessica Alba was my first celebrity crush, and here she was not only standing right in front of me in a sexiest pink dress I had ever seen, but she was a big fan of mine, it was almost too good to be true.

‘I’m sorry I have to go,’ Jessica said somewhat sadly.

‘Oh yeah, shit I have to take this drink back to my friend,’ I remembered why I had come to the bar in the first place.

‘Well I guess I’ll see you around,’ Jessica said while subtly biting her bottom lip.

‘Take my number,’ I said pulling out a pen and a notepad, starting to scribble a number down.

‘Do you always carry a pen and pad around with you?’ Jessica asked, looking at me suspiciously.

‘Yeah well I’m a rapper, I’d carry a microphone and a studio around with me if I could,’ I said jokingly as I ripped the paper off the pad and handed it to her.

Jessica laughed. ‘That makes sense, I’ll be sure to use this soon,’ she casually placed it in her purse before walking away.

I grabbed the drinks and quickly made my way back to the booth, only to find that Zoe was being joined by a special guest; Selena Gomez.

‘You’re finally back, what took you so long?’ Zoe asked as she moved around the booth to let me in.

I placed the drinks down on the table. ‘You’re not gonna believe what just happened,’ I said as I sat down.

‘Jay, this is Selena,’ Zoe interrupted, gesturing at the freshly 21 year old Selena Gomez.

‘Oh god, I’m sorry,’ I said embarrassed as I shook Selena’s hand. ‘I didn’t mean to be rude, when you hear this story you’ll understand.’

‘Now I’m intrigued,’ Selena said staring into my eyes. ‘Please, go on.’

‘Great, so I was up at the bar when who but Jessica Alba starts talking to me,’ I started. ‘It turns out she’s a big fan of my music!’

I was met with blank stares. ‘Is that not crazy?’ I insisted.

‘You’re a pretty successful rapper who makes very important music, I don’t think it too surprising when you find out other famous people enjoy your music,’ Zoe said before shooting me a thumbs up.

‘I’m a fan of yours,’ Selena said.

‘You’re a what?’ I was shocked yet again.

‘That’s true, in fact I was just telling her she would be a great addition to your forthcoming album,’ Zoe said.

‘Really?’ I had just realised that Selena was actually wearing a short dress that was the exact same colour as my suit.

‘Well, if you want me on the album, my genre isn’t really that similar to yours,’ Selena said now blushing.

‘I’m sure we can work something out, I am a really big fan of your music,’ I was lying, the only thing I liked Selena Gomez in was Spring Breakers.

‘I love your videos,’ Selena started. ‘I especially like how cut you looked in your last one,’ Selena covered her mouth.

‘Ha! Thanks, look I’m doing some recording in a couple days, take my number,’ I started writing my number down on a fresh piece of paper from my pad. ‘Take this number and shoot me a text, then I’ll sort something out for later in the week.’

Selena took the paper and placed it in her purse. ‘Wow thanks for this, I will text you soon,’ Selena said as she started to get up.

‘Where are you going?’ Zoe asked.

‘I’m told some friends I’d meet up with them on the dance floor, about ten minutes ago so I’d better do that,’ Selena said with a chuckle. ‘I’ll see you soon,’ she added towards me before turning around, parading her gorgeous ass for me to see as she walked.

‘Yeah, see you then,’ I said before feeling something vibrate in my pocket.

I instantly thought it was going to Selena being eager when I realised I had given my number out to someone else earlier.

“Did this work? – Jessica ;)”

I quickly type back as Zoe takes a sip from her drink.

“This is Cult, it worked.”

‘So do you think you’ll put her on the album?’ Zoe asked while I took a sip from my drink.

‘I don’t know, I think that if I walked into the label meeting and told them Selena was interesting in featuring on the album it would be an easy deal to make, although she’s right about her having a different sound,’ I said to Zoe, who patiently listened.

‘I think that you have to do whatever it is that you need to, Selena is interested that’s not a lie, but you still reserve the right not to include her when all is said and done,’ Zoe said shuffling a little closer to me as she silently waved down a friend of hers and I received another text.

“It clearly didn’t”

I was confused, I immediately typed out another text while Zoe’s friend sat down with us and they greeted each other.

“Trust me this is Cult, how else would I know who you were trying to text?”

‘This is Jay Cult,’ Zoe said as I perked up to find Zoe’s friend was Blake Lively.

‘Yes, that’s me,’ I said reaching my hand out to meet Blake’s.

‘Jay this is Blake Lively,’ Zoe finished as we shook hands.

‘I love your shit,’ Blake said as our hands separated.

‘Thanks,’ I said. ‘You’re in some good shit yourself, I guess you two know each other through Penn?’

‘That’d be a great guess if I hadn’t already told you that,’ Zoe quipped before getting into a conversation with Blake Lively that apparently didn’t involve me, luckily though I got another text from Jessica which was likely to keep me entertained.

The text wasn’t really a text message at all, it was actually a picture message. I opened it up to find what appeared to be an up-skirt photo of Jessica Alba’s panties, they were black.

“Trust me, that worked.”

I looked up from my booth to see if I could spot where Jessica was messaging me from, I figured she would still be inside the V.I.P. Room, what I did find was a lost looking guy who didn’t really look like he fitted in. I caught his eye and waved him over, I figured he was the only person in this room who I could relate to.

‘Yo, come sit with us,’ I called out as he walked over.

‘Me?’ The guy asked, as if anyone else was without place.

‘Yeah you,’ I said with a chuckle, which caused Zoe and Blake to take notice.

‘Who’s that?’ Zoe asked placing her hand on my knee while leaning to look.

‘I dunno, but he seems like he could use a booth,’ I replied as he got closer.

‘He looks cute,’ Blake whispered to Zoe as the guy came up to shake my hand.

He joined the table without any fuss and soon he was getting along very well with Blake, which was good for me because now Zoe was able to focus on me. I kept getting texts from Jessica, and soon I started getting texts from Selena as well. After a while the entire table was engaging in conversation and Zoe’s hand had moved from my knee up to my inner thigh.

‘I totally think that Stephen Brett could be the next Johnny Depp if he applied himself,’ Blake added to the conversation.

‘That’s ridiculous he’s a decent actor and everything but Johnny Depp is another level,’ I replied, Zoe’s hand was now massaging my crotch.

‘People keep Johnny on this pedestal he’s just a man, don’t you agree Mitch?’ Blake fired back.

‘Yes, of course I agree,’ the guy replied meekly, he seemed to be too paralysed by the far away concept of fucking Blake Lively that he couldn’t even stand up for his own opinions.

‘Well it’s a hard topic,’ Zoe said, her hands still rubbing my now hard cock. ‘But I don’t even think it’s fair to compare actors, directors on the other hand,’ Zoe coughed loudly to mask the sound of her unzipping my fly. ‘Excuse me. I think Tony Chase could be the next Tarantino if we let him,’ she finished.

‘Whoa, talking about different levels of talent,’ Blake said in shock.

‘I’m inclined to agree,’ I tempted fate as Zoe wrapped her hand around my cock. ‘Tony Chase is good don’t get me wrong, but come on it’s Tarantino.’

‘Whatever,’ Zoe sighed as she jerked my cock, I got a text on my phone.

“I need you, what are you doing tonight?”

It was from Jessica, I couldn’t believe it, Jessica Alba was propositioning me for sex while Zoe Kravitz was jerking me off under the table.

“I don’t know, I have early meetings tomorrow.’

I replied hesitantly, knowing fully well that it was for the best, and I doubted she was suddenly stop wanting to fuck me if I waited another day. Zoe rubbed the head of my dick with her index and thumb which nearly drove me right over the edge, she quickly removed her hand and rubbed my balls before it was too late though, at the same time I got another text.

“Are you still here? My friends are talking about leaving, what a drag. :(”

This time it was from Selena Gomez, what are the odds that all of sudden all of these girls were after me.

“I’m still here, in the V.I.P., we should get a drink?”

Zoe moved back up to my cock and massaged it again, this time switching between the two repeatedly, my phone vibrated again, this time telling me I had another picture message. I opened it to find a picture down the top of Jessica’s dress which showed me her black bra, displaying a lot of cleavage.

“Change your mind? ;)”

She was very insistent, seeing this picture would have made my cum if Zoe hadn’t been massaging my balls at the time. This went on for another few minutes or so, eventually Jennifer Aniston and some producer character had joined the table, and it had become very cramped. Eventually Blake got up to carry out an errand I was pretty confident was scoring cocaine.

‘We should get out of here,’ Zoe whispered to me after zipping my trousers back up.

‘Good idea,’ I whispered back.

The two of us got up and walked out of the V.I.P. Room which was actually starting to thin out about and headed towards the dance floor. I was a little deflated, I didn’t realise that getting of there meant going to the dance floor. I was proven wrong though when we marched through the dance floor on the way to the bathroom.

She opened the door and we walked in together, quickly making sure it was completely empty before she kissed me on the lips.

‘I have wanted to do this for so long,’ Zoe moaned as I kissed her back.

‘You’re telling me,’ I said as I pushed her up against the sink and groped around her body.

I suddenly felt a vibration in me pocket, I quickly checked the message, much to Zoe’s annoyance.

“Have fun banging Zoe, you still owe me a drink though. :)”

I was a little bit thrown off by that text because if Selena saw us going in together, then who’s to say who else saw us going in together. In a panic I quickly went to one of the stalls to grab a toilet brush, which I jammed in the handles to the bathroom to keep it locked from the inside. After I knew I was safe I walked back up to Zoe who was now looking at her self in the sink mirror.

‘You’re so fucking gorgeous,’ I said as I walked up behind Zoe and wrapped my arms around her, gently resting them on the hem of her skirt.

‘You’re a god among men Jay, you’re body is amazing,’ Zoe said as I kissed her neck and unzipped her skirt letting it fall to the floor.

‘Mmm, this ass is incredible,’ I said as I groped her ass cheeks before pulling her panties down and letting them drop to the ground.

‘I need this inside of me,’ Zoe said as she reached around and took my belt and trousers off.

I continued to kiss her neck as I shoved my fingers inside her pussy. She turned back and kissed me on the lips while jerking my cock off.

‘Your pussy is so wet,’ I said as I rapidly shoved my fingers in and out of her beautiful soaking wet pussy.

‘Your cock is so big,’ she was now rubbing my cock at the same rate as she was earlier.

‘Fuck this,’ I said as I took my fingers out of her pussy and replaced it with my rock hard cock.

‘Argh!’ Zoe screamed out as my cock penetrated her pussy deeply.

As I fucked her doggie-style against the bathroom sink, we watched it happening in the mirror in front of us, which served only to turn us on more. We stared into each other’s eyes through the mirror, giving us the illusion of watching another couple have sex while they intern watched us, it was a truly intense experience.

I pulled down Zoe’s top and revealed her bra which covered up her full tits. I continued to rail into her from behind, now groping at her bra covered tits, bringing me to a level of ecstasy I wasn’t quite prepared for yet. Luckily though my phone vibrated twice, leaving me with two messages from two separate girls.

“I’m so wet thinking about you. :)”

Was from Jessica Alba.

“So lonely at this bar, waiting for my drinking partner…”

Was from Selena Gomez. Taking the time to text, which while it may have pissed Zoe off was exactly what I needed to bring me from the brink of ejaculating inside her. I sent them both the exact same message, albeit with different spelling.

“Cumming/Coming Soon. ;)”

Zoe had now taken her bra completely off letting her beautiful brown breasts free for me and the the mirror couple to see. I immediately kissing her neck and cheek, pounding her harder then ever in her pussy, getting so hard and so deep that she had to audible gasp every time I did it. I held one hand on her tit and another groping her ass as I looked at us in the mirror.

I could feel that I was going to cum soon so I took my hand from her breast and brought it down to meet my other hand resting on her ass where I clenched both tightly, viciously fucking her. She screamed and lifted up in the air every time I shoved my cock inside her, before long she could take no more and she came loudly.

‘That’s right, I know what you need,’ I whispered into her ear as I continued to fuck her harder.

‘I need your cum, I’m on the pill, cum inside me,’ Zoe gasped out, it was long before I came hard deep inside Zoe’s box, waiting a few moments before pulling my cock out of her.

We hear another vibrating side I immediately check my phone but I have no new messages. ‘Shit!’ Zoe yelled out. ‘Penn’s here, sorry I have to go meet him, this was fun.’

Zoe quickly got ready and kissed me on the cheek before she removed the brush and left the bathroom. After a reasonable amount of time I followed her out, grabbing my phone to send a text to Selena Gomez, telling her I’m ready for that drink now.

“Finished with Zoe, still want that drink?”

She almost immediately send a text back to me.

“I saw her come out already, meet me on the balcony. ;)”

I replied to the text and hurried towards the balcony, it was a bit of a bitch to weave through all these people dancing to their hearts content. On the way towards the balcony door I noticed Amanda Bynes leaving with some guy arm in arm and a bored Ellen Page sipping from a glass at the bar all alone.

‘Yo,’ I simply stated as I opened the balcony door, now privy to a view of Selena Gomez’s ass as she leaned over the balcony with a drinks in each hand.

She turned to face me. ‘It’s about time,’ she said as she handed me my drink. ‘I was starting to think you weren’t going to show.’

‘I wouldn’t do that,’ I assured as I took a sip out of my new drink. ‘Not to a future collaborator.’

‘Future collaborator huh?’ She stepped towards me. ‘That doesn’t sound right does it?’

I moved in closer to her, placing my drink down on the railing. ‘What would you prefer?’

‘How about… current collaborator?’ Selena placed her free hand on the back of my head and softly kissed me on the lips.

I completely froze, not knowing at all what to do, the situation was unprecedented. A few months prior I was an unknown, I didn’t even get much respect from my own community and now here I was, getting kissed by Selena Gomez, the girl who up until incredibly recently was girlfriend to pop star Justin Beiber.

Selena pulled away. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing I just-‘ I was acting like a starstruck child. ‘Just surprised is all.’

‘I didn’t mean to be so forward, I’ve just had the biggest crush on you for the longest time,’ the newly twenty-one year old actress confessed.

I pulled her closer towards me. ‘You, had a crush on me?’

She smiled at me and I stared into her eyes, only to find hers staring back, but with longing. ‘Your voice turns me on so much, I touch myself while watching your videos… I used to think about you while Justin fucked me.’

I couldn’t handle any more, I placed on hand on the back of her head and kissed her hard on the mouth. She moaned softly as she let her hands wander the small of my back, my left hand had now found her firm ass and gripped it. My cock started to get hard as she pressed against it, both of us were locked in what felt like the longest kiss of all time.

Selena pulled out. ‘Oh shit, we have to go.’

‘Go where? What?’ I was confused.

Selena left my arms and grabbed her purse. ‘I told my friend I would be at her after party.’

‘What time does it start?’ I asked as I readjusted my pale blue suit jacket.

‘Five minutes ago… I couldn’t leave without talking to you,’ Selena seemed upset that our collaboration was ending so soon.

‘Well you have my number so-‘

‘Do you want to come?’ Selena asked.

‘I have to have an early night tonight, I have a big meeting tomorrow morning,’ I said despite myself.

‘We won’t take too long, we can just make an appearance and then,’ Selena started putting her hand to my cheek. ‘We can go back to your place together.’

‘Well what are we waiting for?’ I grabbed Selena’s arm and hastily guided her back into the main hall and out into the lobby.

I pulled out my phone. ‘What’s the address?’ I asked Selena while dialling the number for a limo.

Selena started to laugh. ‘It’s upstairs silly, in the penthouse.’

I stood shocked. The penthouse is notoriously the most expensive room in all of Los Angeles, the only people who could afford the penthouse at the Milton were foreign royalty or George Clooney.

‘Just who’s party is this anyway?’ I asked as we walked towards the elevator.

‘Katy Perry’s.’

The ride up in the elevator felt like the longest ride I had ever taken in my entire life, everything had slowed down. Selena was speaking to me and holding my hand but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. Ever since 2008 I had harboured a secret crush on Katy, I had had dreams of fucking her and being with her for my entire career as a rapper and now I was about to go to a party with her. I looked over at Selena and smiled, she smiled back I felt bad because I knew if given the opportunity tonight I would trade her in for Katy in a heartbeat.

‘Finally!’ Our busty host said as soon as the elevator doors opened.

She was wearing a tight dress that squeezed her breasts out and I couldn’t help but stare at it. ‘Sorry I’m late, this is-‘

‘Jay Cult,’ Katy finished as she took my outstretched and hand shook it. ‘I have heard all about you.’

‘Oh, thanks, obviously I have heard of you and your…’ it had just registered that sitting on the couch behind Katy were Rihanna and Miley Cyrus, both having what seemed like an in-depth discussion. ‘Friends…’

‘Well good,’ Katy started as she dropped my hand. ‘Why don’t you get better acquainted with the two of them while I borrow Selena in the other room.

‘We’ll be right back,’ Selena promised as was hustled away by her friend. ‘Go, mingle!’

This was going to be awkward, I had never mentioned Selena or Katy in one of my songs before but I had recently released a track where I dissed Chris Brown and Miley Cyrus. I slowly walked over to them, thankfully they hadn’t notice my presence yet as I quietly sat down on the couch opposite they one they were lounging on. I was hoping that perhaps I could sit there and not be noticed for the entirety of my time there, unfortunately though fate was not so kind.

‘Who are you?’ Miley asked during a natural lull in their conversation.

Rihanna turned to look at me. ‘You’re… you’re the guy!’

‘The guy?’ Miley questioned, staring at me intently.

‘They guy who dissed you and Chris on that fuckin’ song,’ Rihanna explained, glaring at me.

Miley looked back at Rihanna and then at me. ‘What the fuck are you doing here?’


‘That bitch, she just loves to fucking cause trouble!’ Rihanna spat.

‘Maybe I’ll just go wait outside…’ I stood up to leave.

‘No no no, there’s no need for that sit back down!’ Miley said, smirking at her Barbadian friend.

‘Look dude, Chris and I aren’t even together any more so relax,’ Rihanna said insisting I sit back down.

‘And I don’t give a shit about that shit,’ Miley said laughing it off.

‘Then why were you guys so angry?’ I said as I took my seat.

‘Because Selena doesn’t know all that,’ Rihanna stated.

‘Oh…’ Now that I wasn’t under attack I was able to take a moment to appreciate the two women I was sitting across from.

‘I actually like the song to be honest,’ Miley said, she was wearing incredibly short denim shorts and a flannel jacket, oddly under-dressed considering what everyone else downstairs was wearing.

‘Cult of Jay, Ain’t nuttin’ to fuck with…’ Rihanna was singing a ballad version of the hook from my latest video, she too was under-dressed, wearing only a short black skirt and a skin tight black top.

I didn’t want to insult the girls (again) so I held my tongue on the clothing and asked a more tactical question. ‘What did you think of the party downstairs?’

‘We didn’t go to that shit,’ Miley stated seriously.

‘Yeah, that’s fine for Selena but it’s a bit eh for us,’ Rihanna explained.

‘Plus I’m not twenty-one yet so “technically” I can’t go,’ Miley said as Selena and Katy walked back into the room.

‘Let’s party!’ Katy shouted as I looked to Selena to silently ask her what she was doing, I got no response.

I was so entranced with the party that I had forgotten entirely about my plans the next day, the only thing that was on my mind was having fun with four of the hottest singers on the planet. I realised during the night after an impromptu karaoke session that Rihanna would probably be the only one in the room I would let near my album, but I had fun telling them all they had a place.

After an hour or so the party had started to wind down and we all found ourselves on couches just having a normal conversation. I was sitting on a couch next to Selena who was sitting next to Miley and across from us Rihanna and Katy shared a couch, it was a really cosy intimate scene, especially with the fireplace lit.

It was so cosy and intimate in fact that we found ourselves having this conversation. ‘Seriously Ri, who would it be, you have to say one of us,’ Katy said.

Rihanna opened her mouth to speak. ‘It can’t be the boy, no offence Jay,’ Miley interrupted.

‘None taken,’ I was interested in seeing where this would go.

Selena was resting her head on my shoulder. ‘Just pick someone Ri,’ Selena said lazily.

‘Fine,’ Rihanna started. ‘It’s Katy, I want to kiss Katy, there are you happy?’

‘Yes,’ I answered and all the girls laughed.

‘What about you Cult?’ Rihanna asked, Selena perked up.

‘What about me?’ I dodged.

‘Which one of us would you want to kiss… the most?’ Rihanna questioned, not letting me get out of answering.

All of the girls were silent as they waited for me to answer. ‘I pick… Selana,’ I knew it would be unwise to pick someone besides the person I came with.

I was proven right when they all let out a collective ‘Nawww,’ in response.

‘Alright!’ I started, getting somewhat embarrassed. ‘Selena you have to pick a girl you’d like to kiss,’ I demanded.

‘Oh that’s easy, Miley,’ Selena said with just as much laziness as before now her hand was in mine.

‘Why was it so easy?’ Rihanna questioned.

‘Yeah, why?’ Katy chimed in.

‘Why didn’t any of you pick me?’ Selena questioned broadly, leaving everyone in silence.

The silence wasn’t broken until Rihanna requested what I had been waiting for since this conversation was started. ‘Prove it.’

Selena immediately sat up ridged. ‘Excuse me?’

‘Yeah if you’re so confident why don’t you prove it?’ Katy jumped on the bandwagon.

‘Well I…’ Selena looked at me for help but I wasn’t going to give it to her.

‘Come on just do it.’ Miley said softly, placing a hand on Selena’s shoulder.

‘But what about-‘ Selena started.

‘Trust me, Jay is going to just love this,’ Miley stated before leaning in and kissing Selena softly on the lips.

The room fell into a dead silence as the two young pop stars kissed passionately. ‘Whoa…’ was all I could bring myself to say even to myself.

Miley brought Selena closer to her and wrapped one of her legs around her, entering them both into an even deeper and more passionate kiss. Katy and Rihanna stared in an equal amount of shock at me, clearly not think that their young friends would actually go through with it. I watched Miley put her tongue in Selena’s mouth from my front row seat in amazement.

Their hands were travelling all over each other’s young bodies, Miley’s clearly had a fascination with Selena’s ass because they spent most of their time there where as Selena’s were content to investigate the upper back. My attention was pulled away momentarily when an inspired Katy Perry and Rihanna started making out as well, leaving me to just gawk and stare at the two sets of girls making out.

‘Get in here!’ Selena gasped as Miley pulled me in by my shirt.

‘Awesome!’ I shouted before the tow girls kissed my mouth and then each others again.

Both girls hands were now wandering my body, Selena feeling up my six pack while Miley felt up my hardening crotch. ‘Mmm, you weren’t lying about this cock in your songs,’ Miley mused as she rubbed my member.

‘This guy is the real deal,’ Selena assured her friend as she unzipped my trousers, letting my cock spring free.

‘Holy shit!’ Miley couldn’t believe her eyes when she finally saw just how big my package was.

‘Your cock is out of this world,’ Selena admired before coaxing Miley back into kissing her.

Even though their mouths were occupied with each other, all four hands were focused on massaging my cock. ‘You know, I’ve never met anyone who could fit the whole thing in their mouth,’ I said to the two girls as they happily jacked away at my dick.

‘I bet I could,’ Miley said into Selena’s mouth.

‘If anyone could it would be Miley,’ Rihanna perked up from the other couch before returning to kissing Katy and feeling her ass.

‘I’m a real good cocksucker,’ Miley promised before bending down to prove it.

Selena kept one hand on my cock and kissed me on the mouth while Miley took the head of my cock in her twenty year old mouth. ‘She won’t fit the whole thing,’ I promised Selena.

‘Well maybe I can do it,’ Selena suggested before leaning down to join her friend, focusing on licking the side of my cock while Miley struggled down my cock.

I placed a hand each on Selena and Mileys heads as they continued to lick and suck my cock respectively. I glanced over at the other two singers on the other couch to find they each had a hand up the other’s skirt and were finger fucking each other furiously, this served only to get me harder inside of Miley’s mouth, looking back down while Selena kissed my cock through Mileys cheek.

Miley managed to get half of my cock in her mouth before she started gagging and had to pull it out of her mouth. ‘That’s all the cock I can handle, fuck it’s big,’ Miley choked.

‘Here, let me try,’ Selena said as she took my cock in her mouth.

‘Be my guest,’ Miley responded getting up and walking over to join Katy and Rihanna as she rapidly finger fucked one another.

Selena’s attempts to fit my cock in her mouth were nice, but in vein, she was only able to get a quarter of my cock in her mouth before she had to take it out. ‘I told you,’ I said as she returned to licking it instead.

‘It’s not fair, I want this cock inside of me so bad,’ Selena moaned.

‘That can be arranged,’ I said slyly, hoping Selena caught my drift.

‘That’s a good idea,’ Selena stood up and reached into her pale blue dress, pulling down her panties and tossing them to the floor.

As she did this I ripped all of my clothes off and threw them into a pile on the floor accidentally knocking a wine glass onto it. ‘Oh no your suit!’ Selena gasped now straddling me on the couch, hovering her pussy right above my cock.

‘I hated that suit,’ I said, urging her to continue.

‘Oh fuck!’ Selena moaned as she lowered her pussy onto my cock.

‘Damn you’re tight!’ I yelled as I penetrated her.

Selena couldn’t communicate with words, it was clear that this was the biggest cock she had ever had inside of her. She simply moaned loudly, gripping my chest to hold herself up, before long she would be able to relax completely and still be held up by my cock, that’s how hard I was. Luckily she didn’t, she stayed held her ground until my cock was completely inside her.

‘Oh my…’ Selena gasped.

I pulled Selena down forward and kissed her, moving her ass up and down on my cock with my hands as I did so.

‘Not sure hard!’ Selena moaned.

I ignored her and actually started to buck my hips as I went on, increasing the strength of the penetration immensely.

‘You like it?’ I asked her, somewhat rhetorically.

‘Yes!’ She screamed. ‘Oh god yes!’

I pumped her harder and hard, I could almost feel my cock hitting the back of her body. I started to feel immense pressure in my cock, this hard fucking plus the blowjobs had left me vunerable, I slowed down and looked over at the three girls to distract me. This had the opposite effect, all it did was make me need to cum more because the three of them were all making out and fingering each other.

‘Harder!’ Selena begged.

‘Have it your way!’ I shouted before fucking her even harder then I was before.

The both of us were manically making out while I launched my cock hard in and out of her at a rapid pace. Selena started involuntarily moaning loudly, and before I knew it I was joining, I had never felt this ready to cum in my entire life. Suddenly I heard the sound of the three girls all moaning loudly, it seemed like they were all on the precipice as well.

‘Ahhh!’ I said before all five of us came hard together. ‘Yeah!’ I sighed loudly in relief as cum shot out of my cock deep into Selena’s pussy.

‘Fuck…’ Selena gasped as she collapsed on top of me. ‘That was incredible…’

‘You’re telling me,’ I said, my cock softening inside her sweet pussy.

I hear a vibrating sound coming from my discarded trousers, I stretch my arm out in an attempt to pick it up, but to no avail.

‘Need help with that?’ Miley asked now separated from her friends and standing right above my trousers, shaven pussy in full view.

‘Thanks,’ I said as Selena kissed my chest, not paying attention to her surroundings.

Miley handed the phone to me and lifted Selena’s chin up in order to look into her eyes. I glanced down at the message I had been sent as Miley planted a soft kiss on Selena’s mouth. It was a photo of Jessica Alba fingering herself with the message ‘I need u 2nite’ attached. My eyes widened and my cock hardened inside of Selena, causing her to jump a little.

‘Holy shit,’ I said to my self before Miley pulled Selena off my cock and continued to make out with her.

‘Hey there, big shot!’ Katy called out from the stairs. ‘You should clean yourself up!’ Rihanna was standing next to her and she gestured upstairs as her friend said this.

‘Oh but what about…’ I said as I motioned towards the two young starlets making out, hands travelling all over each others bodies.

‘They’ll be fine,’ Rihanna said, holding in a giggle. ‘Yeah, they’ll be a while,’ Katy chimed in with a wink.

I nodded and got up, walking towards the stairs completely naked. The two singers looked at my half erect junk and giggled to each other for a moment, before turning around and leading my up the stairs. As we climbed the stairs I took a photo of my cock and sent it Jessica, hoping that this would inspire her to invite me over later or at least some other day.

‘Here it is,’ Katy said stopping in front of a door.

‘Great,’ I said opening the door. ‘Are there towels in here or do you need to go get me one?’ I questioned, not really knowing why the girls were still standing there.

‘I’ll get you one once we’re finished,’ Katy said as her and Rihanna joined me in the lavish bathroom.

‘Excuse me?’ Needless to say I was shocked, and a little bit sceptical, if I had heard correctly it meant that the two biggest and sexiest pop stars on the planet wanted to shower with me.

‘Trying to conserve water,’ Katy said before taking her top off, revealing her famously large tits encased in blue lace bra. ‘I hope that’s not a problem?’

‘It’s a… not a problem with me,’ I said feebly as Rihanna followed suit, taking her black top off showing me her naked tits.

Rihanna and Katy both laughed at my expense as they both took their skirts off, revealing to me Katy’s blue lace panties and Rihanna’s gorgeous trimmed pussy. ‘Why don’t you help me out of this?’ Katy asked, gesturing towards her remaining garments.

‘Sure,’ I said walking over to her, gently placing my hands on her hips. I put two thumbs inbetween her panties and her skin and slowly pulled them down.

‘Mmm,’ Rihanna moaned as she looked at Katy’s now revealed shaven soaking wet pussy. ‘That’s gonna taste good.’

‘You’re god damned right,’ Katy said as Rihanna walked over and kissed her.

‘I can’t believe this is happening,’ I said as Katy lifted her feet out from the soaking wet panties.

‘Surely you can’t be surprised?’ Katy said after Rihanna stopped kissing her and pulled away to walk into the shower.
‘What do you mean?’ I asked as I placed her panties on the bench next to my phone, looking into her eyes as Rihanna turned the shower on.

‘You’re an amazing rapper, with an incredible body,’ She said as she grabbed my hard dick. ‘Not to mention this monster of a cock of yours, you had all of this coming to you from the beginning.’

‘You’re right,’ I said as I placed my hands on her bra clasp and the room filled up with steam. ‘I was born for greatness.’

I unhooked the clasp and her notoriously large tits came into full view, without thinking I immediately started kissing and groping her tits, not even taking the time to throw the bra away, just letting it fall on my cock as she jacked it off. I kissed her deeply on the mouth while my hands stayed focused on her perfect nipples, our tongues now playing tug of war.

‘Hey! Get in here you two!’ Rihanna called out from the steamy shower.

‘Sorry,’ Katy said as she turned and pulled me by my cock into the shower, where I was immediately drenched in steaming hot water.

‘Mmm, nice cock,’ Rihanna wasted no time grabbing and rubbing on my cock. ‘This is the first time I’ve been with someone bigger than Chris.’

‘That explains why you keep going back to him,’ I said as Katy’s soft hand joined her best friends in jacking my cock.

‘Well this changes everything,’ Rihanna said keeping one hand on my cock and the other groping Katy’s enormous breasts.

‘I want some of that action,’ I demanded as I placed a hand on a breast of each of my lovers.

‘I want some of that action!’ Katy said before leaning in and kissing Rihanna full on the mouth.

The two pop sensations were now locking lips passionately while also jacking my cock close to oblivion. ‘This is unbelievable,’ I said hardly being able to comprehend my luck.

I tore my hands away from the girls breasts and shoved two fingers from each in the girls soaking pussies and finger fucked them. ‘Oh my god!’ Rihanna screamed.

The two superstars started moaning in unison now unable to focus on each others mouths, barely able to focus on my cock the pleasure in each of their pussies was so immense. ‘Please don’t stop!’ Katy insisted as I finger fucked them harder.

‘I need your cock!’ Rihanna yelled out, pushing her friend away and jumping up into my arms.

Not the type to object I quickly adjusted and shoved my cock inside her pussy while keeping a firm grip on her ass. ‘Is this what you want?’

‘Oh fucking god yes!’ Rihanna screamed out, while I impaled her with my cock.

In the corner of the shower Katy was now bent down on her knees shoving a mass of her own fingers in her pussy rapidly, moaning and screaming as she did so.

I pushed Rihanna against the glass wall of the shower and continued to rapidly shove my piece in and out of her box, with both of her legs wrapped around my waist. ‘Please!’ She moaned. ‘Oh fuck!’ She screamed.

She kissed me hard on the lips as I increased the velocity of my penetration, forcing her to bite my bottom lip. ‘Fuck her hard Jay!’ Katy yelled out from the corner, clearly enjoying every minute of this.

‘I’m gonna-‘ Rihanna started before I covered her mouth with my hand and continued to fuck her harder as she bit down on it.

The water continued to rain down on us as I fucked her harder, she managed to pull my hand away just in time to scream out in pleasure and apparent orgasm. ‘Fuck…’ she gasped, my cock still deep inside her, hard as it ever was.

Rihanna climbed off and fell to her knees, ready to take my cock in her mouth. Before she could though, Katy grabbed me by my cock and turned me around, licking the head of my cock like a lollipop. ‘My turn!’ Katy demanded.

Rihanna was too tired to object and could only watch as Katy licked up and down on my cock, making sure to massage my balls as well. ‘Those little girls out there, if you think they were giving you a good blow job then you’ve never had one from a real woman before,’ the temptress said as she licked circles around my rock hard cock.

She grabbed my cock in both hands and jacked it up and down, while licking her way down to the base of my cock. ‘So far you haven’t proven anything to me,’ I said antagonistically down to Katy.

‘Shh!’ She hissed before rapidly jacking my cock and taking both balls in her mouth and sucking.

My eyes widened started to gasp, the pleasure was inescapable. I looked down at my cock to see that it was lightly touching her nose, pointing straight between her gorgeous eyes, which were both looking directly into mine. It was already the best blow job I had ever had and she hadn’t even taken my cock in her mouth yet.

‘I need your mouth!’ I was barely able to shout, choking on extreme pleasure.

She pulled my balls out of her mouth and stopped stroking. ‘Your wish is my command,’ Katy said, before licking her lips and shoving the head of my cock in her mouth.

She continued to look right up at me while she took my cock deeper, sucking it harder and harder the further she went down. She had managed to make it halfway down before she bobbed her head up and down, replicating getting fucked in the mouth without me even having to buck my hips. It was lucky that I had already came a few times that night because there was no way that I would be able to withstand this kind of pleasure under normal circumstances.

‘You’re a good little cocksucker, aren’t you?’ I said as she sped herself up, my cock constantly beating up against the roof of her mouth.

She merely moaned in response, not wanting to break her concentration for even moment. ‘Fuck this is hot!’ Rihanna yelled out, apparently touching herself again, I wouldn’t know because I could bare to rip my eyes away from the busty seductress who was now sucking my cock like no other had ever done before.

‘I have wanted you for so long!’ I said. ‘I thought you were so fucking hot in the I Kissed A Girl video, but it wasn’t until California Gurls that I knew I had to fuck you,’ I continued as the girl of my dreams sucked my cock better then anyone else had ever done. ‘You’re one of the reasons I worked so hard to become this famous in the first place,’ I admitted. ‘I knew I had to become famous enough to fuck you, to fuck your mouth and your tits and cum all over each and every part of you,’ all this did was spur Katy on until sucking and bobbing harder and harder.

‘Miley likes to brag,’ Rihanna said from the corner. ‘And I think I do pretty well, but no one can suck dick as good as Katy, or eat pussy for that matter.’

‘You’re telling me,’ I said. ‘I mean look at her she’s in the zone now!’ Katy wasn’t even registering that anyone was even talking at all, she was focused only on sucking my cock.

‘My point is,’ Rihanna started. ‘If you’re looking for something more than a fling with her, you’re not going to get it.’

I pondered for a moment before Katy pulled my cock out of her mouth. ‘Never say never,’ Katy said before laying down, water splashing her face.

‘I didn’t…’ Rihanna said as I straddled Katy’s torso and she pressed her tits together.

‘This is what you want isn’t it?’ Katy asked as I inched closer towards her famous chest.

‘What you’ve wanted for so long?’ Katy continued my cock now lingering outside her pressed together tits. ‘Working so hard and waiting so long to fuck my tits, well here you go, take them.’

‘Thank you,’ I simply said before shoving my cock in between her gigantic soft perfect breasts.

I placed both hands over her tits for leverage while I slowly brought my cock back and forth her tits. ‘That’s it cowboy, ride those tits.’

This was easily the greatest moment of my life, my cock in between two of the most famous tits on the planet and she was acting so cool about it. She knew this was all that I had wanted, and she was giving it to me, she wanted me to be happy. Rihanna was right though, I couldn’t pretend like I was the only person she had done this for, but it still felt damned great.

While I was concentrating on fucking Katy’s glorious tits my phone started to ring. ‘I’ll get it,’ Rihanna said, not wanting to let us stop.


‘Hello who is this?’

‘Oh hey there, I haven’t heard from you in a while.’

‘Who is it?’ I shouted, squeezing Katy’s nipples in my hands.

‘Jessica Alba!’

‘Speaker!’ I shouted, I wanted her to hear this.

‘Jay?’ Are you there?’

‘I’m here, what do you want?’ I asked, annoyed at the interruption.

‘I just want you to hear what you’re missing out on,’ Jessica said.

‘Great,’ I said disinterestedly.

‘Oh fuck yeah!’ Jessica moaned through the phone.

‘Huh?’ I said loudly, breaking my tit fucking stride momentarily.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Katy said, grabbing my face. ‘Just keep fucking these titties!’

‘Good call,’ I said picking up momentum again while still hearing Jessica’s vicious moans through the phone.

Rihanna was now touching herself again, having brought the phone over to the shower so we could all hear it better. ‘This certainly took an interesting turn,’ Rihanna moaned, half her fingers lodged in herself.

‘Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass!’ Jessica yelled through the phone. Rihanna had now moved her self down to Katy’s pussy and began eating her out.

‘He’s filling my ass Jay, this could have been you!’ Jessica shouted in pleasure through the phone.

This was all getting ridiculous and to top it all off, all of my reserve power was starting to lesson, I could feel that any moment now I was going to cum. ‘Where do you want to cum baby?’ Katy asked, sensing exactly what I was thinking.

‘I want to cum in between these tits,’ I said weakly.

After a few more rapid pumps in her tits I could suddenly feel the pleasure mounting. ‘I’m cuming!’ all four of us yelled at the same time.

We all moaned loudly and juices squirted from Katy’s pussy over he friends face and cum began shooting out of my cock into Katy’s tits. All we could hear from the phone was Jessica and another man panting heavily, another interesting thing was that we also heard the faint sounds of two girlish screams from downstairs.

‘It looks like we all came at the same time,’ I said as cum continued shooting out of my dick, now aimed at Katy’s face.

‘A truly amazing moment in history,’ Rihanna said as she crawled over to lick the cum off her best friends face.

The phone clicked and all we heard was a dial tone. ‘We’ll have to do this again some time,’ Katy said as I shot cum in Rihanna’s hair.

‘You got that right,’ I said as Rihanna began kissing Katy on the lips.

I picked up my phone to get rid of that annoying dial tone before I noticed the time. ‘Holy shit! Its two thirty!’ I shouted standing up immediately.

‘The night’s just begun,’ Katy laughed, through Rihanna’s lips.

‘Not for me it hasn’t, I have to be at a meeting in four hours,’ I was already out of the shower, heading towards the door.

I ran downstairs and quickly put underwear on and then the rest of my clothes, making sure to leave the horrible jacket where it was, now stained irreparably with wine. ‘Where are you going?’ Selena’s voice called from a doorway.

I stopped and turned. ‘I have to go home to rest for a big day today, I might call you later to confirm with various people that you want to be on the album is that cool?’ I asked.

‘Sounds good as long as it’s not the only reason you call,’ Selena said sweetly.

‘Tell them I’m interested to,’ Miley said, emerging from the bedroom.

‘And us as well,’ bra and panties clad Katy said as her and Rihanna started down the stairs.

‘Thanks, I will definitely tell them that today,’ I said before leaving the room and entering the elevator.

Suddenly my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to check the message that has just been received.

“Where the fuck are you?”

It was from Zoe.

‘Oh shit.’