Melrose Place xxx parody

It was late morning when Sydney returned to the apartment
building. Thankfully, no one there was keeping regular tabs on her
so her absence over the night would be missed. After formulating
their plan, Sydney and Kimberly had made love twice more. Leaving,
Sydney had stopped at a gift store to pick up the two items she
needed. A surge of excitement moved through her, rivaling the night
before. She was going to enjoy this so much.
She walked to Jane’s apartment and lightly rapped on the door.
Jane opened it. Her short blond hair shook along with her head when
she saw Sydney. She was wearing a loose t-shirt and a pair of black
slacks. “Syd, I’m due at the studio in a couple of hours. I don’t
have time to deal with you. Go away.”
“Jeez, all I wanted was to show you something,” Sydney said,
giving a quick glance in either direction to make sure no one else
was around. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small,
pen-like object. Bringing it up and fingering a switch, she played
a strobe light right into Jane’s eyes.
“Sidney, what’re you…” Jane’s voice trailed away as her eyes
glazed over and her features went slack. Sydney grinned. It had
been years but the post-hypnotic trigger still worked. Now for the
“Let’s go inside, Jane,” Sydney said in the same calm and
clear voice she had used when she had led Jane to her clit all
those years ago. Obediently, Jane backed away, letting Sydney into
the apartment. Sydney closed and locked the door behind her. “Sit.”
Jane sat down on the couch, her eyes staring blankly at the wall.
“Close your eyes, Jane. And listen to my voice.” Jane closed
her eyes, sinking deeper into her trance. “Jane, you are aware of
nothing but my voice. You have been in this state before. You know
how much you enjoy it. You know that listening to me and doing
everything I say relaxes you and pleasures you.”
“..Yes..” Jane whispered.
“Now, Jane, I want you to relax and listen to my voice. As you
listen, I want you to remember what it was like the last time you
were in this state. Do you remember, Jane?”
“..Yes..,” Jane answered, a slight smile on her face as she
remembered the pleasure Sydney had given her.
“Yes, you do. Now, Jane, I am going to count ten to one. When
I reach one you will leave this trance state but you will go into
a regular sleep. In this sleep, you will remember what it was like
to have me pleasure you. However, when you remember this, you will
not seeing me, you will be seeing Jo. Do you understand that?”
“Yes, Jane, you will see Jo. And you will think of Jo
pleasuring you and you pleasuring Jo. You will awaken from this
sleep when the alarm rings. When you awaken, you will not remember
my coming here. You will remember your dreams of Jo and you will be
filled with the urge to make those dreams reality. Do you
“Good. Then listen to me. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Think of Jo
now, Jane. Six. Five. You are feeling very relaxed and sleepy.
Four. Three. You are drifting into a nice, deep sleep. Two. Almost
there. One.”
Sydney stood up and watched the results. Jane slumped down on
the couch, her breath coming out evenly. Sydney wanted to stay and
watch. She knew that in a few moments, Jane’s thoughts would turn
to being ravished by Jo. The masturbation would be worth it, but
Sydney had another errand to attend to. She set the alarm clock to
wake Jane up in an hour. She would remember nothing more than a
short nap with an erotic twist.
Leaving the apartment, Sydney took a moment to steady herself.
As always, seeing her sister hypnotized and under her power gave
her a rush. She could feel a slight dampness between her legs.
Well, hopefully, that would soon be satisfied.
Taking the stairs two at a time, she came up to Jo’s
apartment, fingering the second item in her pocket. One down and
one to go. Knocking on the door, she took a deep breath to prepare
Jo opened the door. Her brown hair framed her attractive, if
always pensive, face. She was wearing a bathrobe, a fact that
excited Sydney more. Apparently, she had just gotten up. That could
help. “What do you want, Syd?”
“Uh, hi, sorry for coming this early but Jane wanted me to
come and talk to you about the shoot tonight.”
Sighing, Jo opened the door to let Sydney in. “Make it quick,
Sydney followed her into the apartment, waiting until Jo took
a seat at the table before sitting next to her. “Jane wanted me to
ask you if you wanted this accessory for the shoot.” Sydney reached
into her pocket and pulled out a golden locket attached to a chain.
She held it in front of Jo’s eyes, slightly above her line of
sight. Jo looked at the locket and shrugged. “Makes no difference
to me.”
“Are you sure? Look closely,” Sydney asked as she began to
gently swing the locket. “Take a good, long look at it. Closely.
Keep gazing at it.” Jo fixed a still-sleep gaze at the locket.
Sydney felt herself grow more excited. “That’s right, Jo, keep
looking at it. Look at it closely. Watch how it shines whenever the
light catches it, how it swings, left to right, left to right. Just
keep watching it.”
Jo’s eyes were now firmly fixed to the locket. Already, she
was blinking. Sydney knew she had her. She continued to speak in a
soothing, monotone voice. “Just keep watching the locket, Jo. It’s
so relaxing just to watch it. Watch it swing and shine, swing and
shine. Follow it and let yourself relax. It feels so good to relax,
to sleep. As you watch the locket, you feel yourself growing more
and more sleepy. Just watch it swing and shine, side to side, left
to right. Let yourself feel more and more sleepy.”
Jo’s eyes were half-closed, her breathing even, her eyes fixed
onto the swinging locket. “Sleepy, Jo, you feel so sleepy. You can
barely keep your eyes open. As you watch the locket swing, left to
right, swing and shine, you feel more and more like going to sleep.
You want to sleep, Jo. You need to. You want to. Close your eyes,
Jo. Close your eyes and go to sleep. Sleep. Sleep deeply.”
Jo’s eyes fluttered close. She sat in the chair, one hand
lightly resting on her lap. Sydney placed the locket onto her lap
and took Jo by the hand. “Come with me, Jo. You can trust me. You
want to do as I say, don’t you. Doing what I say makes you feel
good, doesn’t it?”
“..Yesss..” Jo whispered as she let Sydney lead her to the
couch. “Lay back on the couch, Jo. Lay back and relax. Listen to my
voice. Listen to me. Be aware of nothing but my voice. You are in
a deep and relaxing sleep. It feels good to sleep like this.
Listening to me makes you feel more secure and relaxed. Doing
everything I say makes you feel good and relaxed. Now lie back on
the couch with your feet propped up flat on the pillows.” Jo
obediently lay back on the couch, legs bent, giving Sydney a
beautiful view of her clit.
Sydney moved onto the couch, kneeling just in front of Jo’s
prone form. She slowly moved her hands up until they reached the
breasts. She placed her hands under the robe and began massaging
Jo’s breasts. “Feel what I’m doing to you, Jo? Feel the pleasure
this gives you?”
“Good. Then continue to massage them yourself. And as you
massage, feel the pleasure in yourself grow and grow. And as you
massage your breasts, you will be aware of a feeling of even
greater pleasure. Pleasure I am giving you. As you feel this
pleasure, think of Jane doing this to you. Think of Jane giving you
pleasure and release. Think of how much you’d love to have Jane do
this to you. Think of Jane and think of the pleasure you are
receiving. Jane and pleasure. Jane and pleasure.”
“..Jane..pleasure..” Jo whispered as she began massaging her
breasts. Sydney watched as Jo rubbed her breasts, stroking the
nipple and smoothing a palm over the breasts. Sydney smiled as she
leaned down and placed her head underneath Jo’s robe and right
between her legs.
She began slow at first, quick stabs of her tongue, gauging
Jo’s reaction. She then placed her index finger into Jo’s clit and
began rubbing it. Jo gave a moan of ecstasy. “Yes, Jane. Yes..”
Smiling, Sydney continued to rub at Jo’s lips, feeling the juices
come more frequently. She placed her tongue underneath the mound,
ready. It didn’t take long. Jo’s juices exploded onto her tongue.
A gasp from Jo echoed with Sydney’s. She could feel her own juices
set free.
Sydney removed her head and stood back up. Jo lay under her,
exhaustion on her features. Leaning down, Sydney gave her a kiss,
letting Jo lick the juice off her face. Getting back to her feet,
Sydney looked down at Jo. “Jo, listen to me. In a moment, you will
hear the door close. When it does, you will wake up. You will not
remember my being here or anything that has occurred. You will
remember only that you fell asleep and had an erotic dream about
Jane. You will remember the dream and the feelings it brought out.
And when you see Jane again, you will have an overwhelming urge to
bring that dream to life. Now, listen for the door to close. When
it does, you will awaken and remember nothing but the dream.”
Sydney turned, walked to the door, and firmly closed it.
Sydney walked back to her own apartment and went inside.
Falling back onto her bed, she shucked off her jeans and panties.
Soaked from both today and the night before, Sydney knew her
panties were due for one hell of a washing. Grabbing the phone, she
dialed the beach house. “Kimberly? It’s done.”
“You sure this will work?”
“Trust me, they’ll be exposing a lot more than film tonight.
Got the camera set?”
“Yeah. Both of them.”
“One for the studio, one for the beach house. If you think I’m
going to miss Michael’s reaction, you’re nuts.”
“No, you’re nuts. And this is the proof.”
“Cuckoo birds of a feather, Syd.”


It was late when Jo finally got back to the studio. The
assignment at the beach had taken longer than she expected. She
hated the bitchy model types. Sighing, Jo was walking towards her
photo lab when she saw a light on in the studio. Usually, everyone
had gone home by now. Curious, Jo opened the door to see Jane
working on a set of designs at her desk.
Jo bit her lip, unsure of how to proceed. Since that wild
dream that morning, she had been filled with thoughts of Jane. She
wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t gay, but somehow, an attraction to Jane
had become overwhelming. She was confused. Part of her wanted to
leave, part of her wanted to go in and confess. She debated for
another minute before she went in.
The studio was bare at the moment, only a few tables set up.
Most of the lighting and props had been taken for the beach shoot
and Jo became conscious of how large the room seemed. Gathering up
her courage, Jo politely coughed.
Jane jumped and turned around. “Oh, Jo! God, you scared me!”
“Sorry,” Jo said. “I didn’t expect you to be working this
“I needed to finish a couple of designs,” Jane said, turning
away so Jo wouldn’t see the look on her face. The turmoil in her
feelings had been brought back to the surface. Since her dream that
afternoon, she had been dreading this moment. Dreading it but also
waiting for it.
“Mind if I look?” Jo said, leaning over Jane’s shoulder. Jane
was conscious of the heat between them. She hoped Jo didn’t see her
hands trembling as she flipped through the sketches.
“I like that one,” Jo said, placing a hand on one of the
sketches. Her fingers touched Jane’s. It felt like a shock of
electricity. For a moment, the two remained frozen, looking at the
hands. Slowly, Jo caressed Jane’s hand. She took hold of it and
brought it to her lips. As Jane watched in fascination, she kissed
the palm. She then began licking each of the fingers, one by one.
Jane bit her lip and closed her eyes. When she opened them, Jo’s
face was an inch away from hers. The two gazed at one another, then
The kiss was hotter than either of them expected. They twisted
their tongues together, tasting each other. They broke off the kiss
only as long as it took for Jo to pull off her sweater. Then they
were at it again. Jo ripped off Jane’s blouse sending buttons
flying. She cupped one breast and felt Jane groan in pleasure. They
simultaneously unhooked each other’s bras and let them drop to the
The two straightened up and briefly broke apart. As one, they
moved to remove their jeans, then panties. They stood face-to-face,
nude, taking in each other’s beauty. The hair on Jane’s mound was
as short and blond as her head. The curves on her thin body gave a
new meaning to the term hourglass. Jo was a bit bulkier, but in a
good way. Her breasts were larger and more full. Jane lightly
rubbed one as they stared at one another.
Jo backed Jane towards one of the empty tables. Without even
asking, Jane hopped onto the table. She leaned back, inviting Jo
in. Jo accepted. She got onto the table, hovering over Jane. She
leaned down and kissed Jane, deeply. Then she moved her mouth down.
She let her tongue drag down Jane’s neck before coming to the
breast. She kissed one nipple, then the other. She continued to
move down, finally reaching the clit. She placed a finger inside
and began to massage it.
Even though she knew that this was her first time, Jane still
had the feeling that this was familiar. But then, she had felt
fingers in her pussy before. Just not another woman’s. She groaned
as she felt her friend’s fingers work themselves in deeper. This
was even better than she dreamed. The ecstasy was flowing through
her body, emptying onto Jo’s fingers. She came, her cum exploding
in a burst that Jo caught in her palm.
Jo was a quick learner. She took the cum-soaked palm and wiped
it along Jane’s breast, feeling the nipples tighten under her oily
touch. She moved onto the table, pulling herself up on Jane’s body.
She leaned down, allowing Jane to touch her breasts. Jane buried
herself in between them for a moment before hurriedly kissing them.
She went wild, showering each breast with dozens of kisses, the
longest and wettest on the nipples. Jo could already feel her
juices flowing.
Jane pulled herself down the table, her feet hanging over the
edge. She licked Jo’s belly before moving to her pussy. Placing a
hand on each of Jo’s breasts, she let her tongue go to work. Jo
sighed as she felt her breasts harden, Jane’s hands expertly
squeezing and massaging her tits. if Jo didn’t know any better,
she’d swear Jane had done this before. Jane’s tongue continued to
dig into Jo’s clit, going as deep as she good into Jo’s womanhood.
Jo felt herself grow in ecstasy as Jane’s licking continued.
Finally, her juices gushed onto Jane’s tongue, where they hurriedly
licked away.
The two women continued to make love, moving from the table to
a sofa to the floor. They continued for almost two hours, each
orgasming a half-dozen times. In their excitement, neither noticed
the red-haired figure gazing at them from a window. One hand held
a video camera. The other was stuck inside a pair of jeans,
furiously moving.


The reaction Michael received to the tape was better than
Sydney and Kimberly had hoped. He actually suffered a seizure upon
seeing it. Kimberly and Sydney spent many a night enjoying the
varied expressions of horror on Michael’s face.
Jane and Jo continued their relationship for a time. However,
the hypnotically induced attraction soon wore off. They each
drifted away to new boyfriends–and new girlfriends. None were
exactly high-caliber.
Amanda continued her rise to the top of D&D, with Alison her
slave. At least once a week, Amanda would entrance Alison again and
use her to her pleasure. Amanda would also occasionally “lend”
Alison to certain clients to seal a deal. Amanda was not kidding
when she called Alison her “indispensable item.”
And Sydney and Kimberly? Well, our voluptuous vixens found
themselves, much to their surprise, to be falling in love. Sydney
taught Kimberly how to hypnotize people and the two soon had no
trouble finding partners to gratify themselves.
A few months later, the two took a vacation to New York. One
day they happened upon a coffee shop named Central Perk. And they
made a couple of new…..Friends.